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Exhibitor Press Releases


KYnext LLC Hall: Trade Centre Arena Stand: S-H18
Poseidon is a Japanese rock oyster. Rock oysters grow in the deep sea, about 20 meters below the subtidal zone. Their shell is important to protect them from predators. Yes, there is a sense of volume. Summer is the season. Rock oysters can only be eaten raw in areas with clean seawater rich in nutrients from the mountains. Poseidon is farmed in a naturally blessed environment, so you can safely eat it even if it's alive. Rock oysters come in both wild and farmed varieties, but most are wild. Wild oysters have a taste similar to real oysters, but cultured rock oysters, which are systematically raised, have plump flesh and a stable taste. Rock oysters grow slowly over a period of 3 to 5 years before being shipped. Poseidon is the highest quality rock oyster that has been grown for many years in the clean, mineral-rich sea and frozen using cutting-edge technology to exceed the freshness of the season.Using cutting-edge freezing technology, we use the highest quality "POSEIDONoyster" produced in the naturally rich waters of western Japan, allowing you to enjoy the freshly caught taste of the season anywhere in the world. Please try the taste worthy of the name of the POSEIDON.