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Cyprus Millers

Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-I12
  • | Bakery, Cakes & Desserts
  • | Baking Supplies
  • | Private Label
Cyprus Millers, with 80 years of experience, is the leading flourmill in Cyprus, excelling in the production, packaging and distribution of high-quality flour and a wide range of bakery, confectionery and Ho.Re.Ca. ingredients. Since its establishment in 1945, the company has continuously prioritized innovation, investing in advanced technologies, modern infrastructure, and a robust quality control department. With 16 grain storage silos, a capacity of 20,000 tons, and a national   distribution network, Cyprus Millers is equipped to meet the ever-changing demands of both local and international markets. Guided by its mission to uphold tradition, quality, and environmental responsibility, the company remains a trusted partner for its stakeholders. 


80,Foti Pitta Ave 5350 Frenaros, Famagusta Cyprus
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  • Specialty flour from durum wheat, is the ideal ingredient for loaves, bread and baguettes. Suitable for hand bakind and bread machines. 
  • Specialty flour made from soft wheat. The perfect blend for cakes, muffins, biscuits and other pastries. Also, it is suitable for pancakes & batter
  • Pizza flour is made from durum wheat. The ideal blend for Italian pizza, foccacia and calzone. 
  • The Farina Type 00 is made from hard wheat and it is the ideal flour for the preparation of buns, loaf breads, croissants, pizza and other bakery products. 
  • A blend of Cyprus Durum, Soft and Hard wheat, perfect for the preparation of the well-known and authentic Cyprus Pitta Bread and  Lebanese Pitta
  • Wholemeal durum flour with excellent flavour and texture. With all the nutritional benefits of whole grains, this flour elevates wholemeal breads, loaves, baguettes and other wholemeal baking products ...
  • Cyprus durum flour is milled from high-quality Cypriot durum wheat, and is ideal to make sourdough bread, bagels and other delicous pastries. 
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