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Babolna Elelmiszeripari Ltd.



Babolna Elelmiszeripari Ltd.

Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-F58
  • | Dairy
  • | Cheese
  • | Dry Goods
  • | Canned Products
  • | Fortified Foods & Health Products
  • | Health & Wellness Products
  • | Free-From Products
  • | Dairy-free Products
  • | Gluten-Free Products
  • | Lactose-free Products
  • | Sugar-free Products
  • | Frozen Food
  • | Frozen Dairy Products
  • | Frozen Meat
  • | Frozen Ready Meals
  • | Halal and Kosher Food
The Bábolna Élelmiszeripari LTD. has been founded in 2009. We have achieved that our currently available products can be found everywhere throughout the country, they are also available across the border. We are presently manufacturing braded, pre-fried, deep-frozen, products in three shifts. We obtain permission to manufacture all sorts of animal (poultry, pork ,beef ,fish) and vegetable based products. Our other factory, the Merian Foods LTD was founded in 1890. Orosháza can be called the cradle of Hungarian goose liver. During the 1980s, the Rex Ciborum goose liver canned family was developed on the French model with the most modern types of equipment of that time. Premium canned food made exclusively of Hungarian fattened goose liver.


Office address: H-1027 Budapest, Fő utca 73. Factory address: H-5200 Törökszentmiklós, Ipar út. 4.
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