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OU Vegestar



OU Vegestar

Hall: Trade Centre Arena Stand: S-G54
  • | Free-From Products
  • | Vegan / Vegetarian Products
  • | Professional Services
  • | Business Supplies & Equipment
  • | Consulting
  • | Specialty Food
  • | Gourmet & Fine Food
  • | Ready-to-Eat
  • | Value-Added Food
ThormiTech is a pioneer in the plant-based meat alternatives sector, specializing in licensing advanced technology for the production of high-quality meat substitutes. Our expertise encompasses the entire process from TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) and HMMA (High-Moisture Meat Analogs) extrusion to crafting a variety of final products such as patties, sausages, nuggets, and pâtés. We stand out in the industry by offering turnkey factory equipment solutions with capital expenditures approximately 3 times lower than competitors. Our approach significantly shortens the production timeline, being about three times faster than conventional practices. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our strong product development strategies and provision of proven recipes. This ensures our clients not only receive technology but also the knowledge to create top-quality plant-based products. ThormiTech collaborates with Europe's top food science institutions, ensuring our clients always receive innovative products. Visit ThormiTech at S-G54 to revolutionize your food production process.


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